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Respect, fairness and ethics

"Respect, fairness and ethics, joined to the high product quality as the first objective to meet the needs of our stakeholders."

It is on these principles that in 1962 Mario Tolio founded the tannery Tolio, and today he continues to be the President, while the sons Stefano and Monica from the beginning of the nineties are engaged in operational functions of the company, Stefano as business manager, Monica as chief administrative officer.

The mission of the Tannery Tolio, the president continued, "is to maintain the market position in the medium and high segment, creating positive partnership links with companies of reference".

The relations and opinions of the stakeholders, whether they be customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders or company representatives, are our assets. Our company exists purely thanks to these individuals and our respect for their expectations is the only incentive for growth.

Respect means taking into consideration the needs of our counterparts, honesty means doing what we promise to do and, in general, ethics means respecting the laws and regulations concerning environmental, right to work and relating issues.

The company objective is to continue to create value through the development of the company assets, whether they be tangible or intangible. In this spirit, the continuous investment in research and technology is strategic in order to be leaders in an ever more globalized and demanding market.

Conceria Tolio, thanks to a production process consolidated and efficient, is able to fulfill orders quickly and with the utmost professionalism. The methodologies and practices are formalized and managed with a complies with ISO 9000 quality management system and through a specific IT system for the tanning industry.
The company is particularly sensitive to environmental issues and is strengthening its commitment to sustainable development and responsible long-term, by adopting strategies to improve results in the field of environmental protection and management, applying a sustainable policy for the water resource and energy industries, with special attention to reducing waste and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. The production processes are aimed at reducing environmental impacts, preventing possible accidents, safeguard the health and safety, responding to the expectations of stakeholders in a perspective of shared value creation ".